Monday, August 22, 2011


Terribly exciting evening. I've been surfing the internet since Beloved Husband is sacked out. He's been working hard and getting up ungodly early in the morning so I don't blame him. It has just been hard to get to spend any time with him. Shades of my father - he comes home, eats, and tries not to fall asleep on the couch. In this case and at this time, I understand it better.

I also have B*tchy Sibling that is living with us for now, and dude, the crazy just never stops. It is like having a teenager in the house again, what with the taking of things that aren't theirs (borrowing or out right lying about taking), the holing up in their room, the tantrums and lack of chores-sharing in the house. Oy. I'm hoping that the signifcant other eventually does get dropped (like they were supposed to in the first place which caused this whole crisis in the first place) but I'm not holding my breath. The BS's SO is a douche canoe. I don't like SO's treatment of BS but it's not my life so I'm watching from the sidelines and occasionally adding my two cents when I can get away with it.

Also looking for more work to supplement what I've already got but I haven't had much luck there. I wish sometimes that I could be paid to stay home on the internet but most of those jobs I've seen are scams. All of them, as a matter of fact. So out and about I go, applying where I can.

Updatery complete.

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