Friday, July 29, 2005


To take off from a previous threads idea, I want to point out that those of you who are old? You do not get first priority on everything. I am not here to load the shopping cart you kipped from the Payless down the road. That's not my job. If you're nice about it, then no big deal. But I do not owe you a damn thing so don't get all huffy with me when I refuse to fill out your checkbook that you threw at me. Yes, I need a physical address for ya and if you say "I can't hear you" when I know damn well you can, that is what I'll write on your check. Jerk.

I don't know why most of the retired people I have run ins with assume I'm there just for them. I don't have an on/off switch on my back last time I checked. They don't just shut me down at closing and then just fire me up at the start of the day. I am expected to give good customer service (minds out of the gutter!) and I do. But if those certain seniors don't treat me as more than a robot, then my attitude goes down the drain. Age does not entitle anyone to be queen (or king) bee of the hive. I realize that these people will never change but I know now that I've had several good examples of what not to be. So help me, if I act like that please tell me!

"Wisdom doesn't automatically come with old age. Nothing does - except wrinkles. It's true some wines improve with age. But only if the grapes were good in the first place." - Abigail Van Buren

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


What is Deity? According to Merriam-Webster Online, Deity is 1a: the rank or essential nature of a god (divinity), 2: a god or goddess, 3: one exalted or revered as one supremely gifted or powerful.

But what about the intangible? That little bit of something we receive that lets us keep going, the feel of love flowing through us, the "oomph" (for lack of a better word) that gets us off our asses and back in the game of life. The fire that burns in us, convincing us to finish some especially difficult project or task. Is that our deity showing their support?

What about nature? The bloom of the jasmine on a summers night. The birds building their nests. The fruit trees loaded with their bounty. The dance of a flickering flame and the cool breeze blowing. Is that our deity showing us creation?

Deity is feeling the wind blowing on my face after a rough conversation with a family member, it's watching the birds take a dust bath in the driveway and the neighbors cats watching them. The curve of DH's cheekbone under my fingers and his eyes meeting mine. To feel emotions, to hate and to love. It is all part of Divinity.

Monday, July 18, 2005

More Hot Weather

I hate it when it is hot. When you sweat when you're lying around, it's too hot. When getting a drink out of the fridge is a major ordeal, it's too hot. When you end up burning yourself with the seat belt, it's too hot. Gak. I'd rather be too cold that too hot. You can only get so naked but when it's cold you can always kidnap blankets off the bed.

My front door faces west and I leaned up against it and immediately told the hubby that we need a different house. The front door was warmer than I was. Yuck. I've tried watering down the yard in the morning and keeping the a/c filter clean but the weather is doing its best to defeat me. On another note, yes I finished Harry Potter #6 and no, I'm not telling you what happens.

"All books are alike in that they are truer than if they had happened, and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse and sorrow, the people and the places and how the weather was. If you can get so that you can give that to people, than you are a writer." - Ernest Hemingway

Friday, July 15, 2005

Harry Potter Tonite

Well it's Harry Potter nite tonite. w00t! (As they say in l33t.) Anyway, it'll be interesting to see who shows up. I really enjoy the books and have never understood the whole hoopla certain people throw fits about. It's fiction. Kid's fiction. For fun. Yeesh. Same thing with the DaVinci Code. It is a book people, get over it. All that these people accomplish is free advertising for the books. And wouldn't that just fry their bacon to realize that the only thing that is accomplished by all the wailing and hair tearing is making people curious. When people start making a big production, natural curiousity seems to say "Hey, we should see what all the fuss is about."

I have to admit that idea gives me a good laugh.

"People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs." - Unknown

Monday, July 11, 2005

One Good Thing ...

I have the whole day off and I've washed my car. And surfed some blogs. That's about it up to this point. I have to say the car really did need it. I think that is going to be all the outside time I can take today though, as I really want to avoid the neighbors right now. TMI from them, starting last nite.

I came home and was just about ready to pull in the drive way when I realized that the neighbors son (who is like 4) was taking a wild wee on my front yard fence. And I mean swinging all around. So with a raised eyebrow, I parked the car. As I got out, I could hear that the bums had set up shop on the berm behind our houses and were making comments on the other neighbors girls who were running up and down the driveway in their swimsuits. The oldest girl is like 12 and the youngest 6. I decided I'd better wander back to their house and let their Grandpa know what the blackberry bushes were saying.

After I talked to him I figured I'd stop by the Mad Whizzer's house and ask his momma to restrict his "watering" to her own front yard. She decided to tell me how the lawnmower shot her with a rock, show me her stitches and then flash me her ass because she had a bruise from falling over after getting attacked by the rock. I managed to avoid talking to drunken monkey since she wasn't home. As usual. Thank gods, cause I don't know what I would have done with anymore flashing of body parts.

And my family wonders why I stay in the house. Yeesh.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Summer has arrived

The sun comes out from hiding and the temperatures climb higher. Slowly they emerge from their long winter rest and get all cleaned up. They do a few forays into the road and down the freeway. They casually wander down the main drag in town. Then when it looks like they might have disappeared again, they arrive and descend upon the town in full force. You can't go anywhere without seeing them grouped together. The townies turn out to see them go by. For a weekend in my small town, it's an on-going car show. All the old cars are out in full force and it is something to see.

This is my little sister's favorite "holiday." Mine too, actually. For one weekend a year, the town is overrun with Chevelles and Bel Airs, Studebakers and Corvettes, old Fords and silent Packards. It's American Graffiti outfit time and ladies wander through the car shows with pony tails and in poodle skirts. Guys sit around at the various shows going on trading stories and secrets of automotive restoration. There were some real beauties in the show this year and at the cruise downtown. We wandered all over snapping pictures and listening to stories. The cars are a labor of love, reminders of good times and to some people more innocent times. It is nice to see that hobbies can be something that brings people together.

On a lighter note, I saw all of three Studebakers this weekend and you know what? Not one Bear.

"A bear in his natural habitat. A studebaker." - Fozzie the Bear

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Time to Myself

Bumper Sticker : BOMB SQUAD-If you see me running you'd better catch up.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Fireworks and Crappy Neighbors

/rant on

So, you want to set off some fireworks? Cool. I'm all for setting off fireworks. But how about we try it drunk? How about you come out of your house and watch your twin boys who are only seven pick the lit ones up off the ground to hold them? Isn't that cool? How about you nail a spinner to my wooden fence and then set that bastard off? How about chucking lit fireworks onto the neighbors private property to scare her dogs? I am beyond impressed you low life fucking drunk. Way to go.

I also noticed that you were too entirely cool to even have a garden hose anywhere near. I bet that can of beer will do to put out the grass you were catching on fire. Too bad the asphalt main street was less than 50 feet away, I wouldn't want you to have to walk down there to set all that cool stuff off.

So how about I call the landlord and tell them I've had enough? Will that impress you? Good.

/rant off