Friday, July 29, 2005


To take off from a previous threads idea, I want to point out that those of you who are old? You do not get first priority on everything. I am not here to load the shopping cart you kipped from the Payless down the road. That's not my job. If you're nice about it, then no big deal. But I do not owe you a damn thing so don't get all huffy with me when I refuse to fill out your checkbook that you threw at me. Yes, I need a physical address for ya and if you say "I can't hear you" when I know damn well you can, that is what I'll write on your check. Jerk.

I don't know why most of the retired people I have run ins with assume I'm there just for them. I don't have an on/off switch on my back last time I checked. They don't just shut me down at closing and then just fire me up at the start of the day. I am expected to give good customer service (minds out of the gutter!) and I do. But if those certain seniors don't treat me as more than a robot, then my attitude goes down the drain. Age does not entitle anyone to be queen (or king) bee of the hive. I realize that these people will never change but I know now that I've had several good examples of what not to be. So help me, if I act like that please tell me!

"Wisdom doesn't automatically come with old age. Nothing does - except wrinkles. It's true some wines improve with age. But only if the grapes were good in the first place." - Abigail Van Buren

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