Friday, May 04, 2007

Stupid Trains

As I'm up two hours before my alarm is supposed to go off, I thought I'd take the time to stop by and say hello. I'm not sure what the engineers don't get about leaving running trains with noisy ass air compressors running RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE but I'm sure breakfast at Dennys doesn't take 2 hours and counting. I'd mind less if they (all 6 of them) were on the far side of the three tracks in front of my house or there were some train cars between me and them.

I think what really bothers me is the fact that they aren't hooked to anything. There's just 6 engines sitting down here running. Instead of parked behind the dairy plant a block away. Or better yet, downtown at the offices for these bastards. Since the tracks run right by there.

P.S. - That's the view from my living room with the door open. Spectacular isn't it?

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