Sunday, December 24, 2006

'Twas the night before Christmas

And all through the house
The only thing stirring was the computer mouse.

The stockings were scattered hither and there
And I was desperately hoping no one would be here.

The cat was all snuggled up in his bed
With visions of kibbles going 'round in his head.

And Hubby in his boxers and I in my shirt
Were gaming away and feeling quite pert.

When out in the yard there arose such a clatter
I jumped from my chair to see what was a matter.

Away to the door I ran like the Flash
Yanked open the sucker and gave my foot a good bash.

The moon reflected off the tarp like Canadian snow
Which gave off a good glare to see what was below.

When, what to my disbelieving eyes should appear
But one lazy old tom gorging on leftover beer.

I wandered back in the house with aplomb
And I muttered about tossing some f-bombs.

I shreiked in fright scaring hubby a bit
Realizing that I'd forgotten St. Nick.

You see, he was coming and the house was a mess
It seemed that my life was destined for stress.

I scoured and cleaned, washing dishes like mad
Hoping hubby would jump up and help just a tad.

He was gaming away, lost in the WarCraft
And I told my mom this and she totally laughed,"

You know the young man is oblivious to
Any cleaning or house chores that you need to do."

I continued my mission, making everything neat
And definitely taking time for a treat.

Finally the house was well scoured and cleaned
And I passed out on the couch, listening to the clicking.

The next morning the stockings were stuffed clear up full
And the tree was finally found under the packages and yanked out with a good pull.

We picked up the papers, hauling out the trash with shear might
and at the bottom of the pile a note was located that made everything all right.

"Merry Christmas to all and To All A GOOD NIGHT."

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