Had a thing happen and needed a place to hash it out. Realized I hadn't been here in...whoa, a long time. I fell out of writing because I got depressed. Life-bites-and-then-you-die, why-do-I-even-bother depressed, and I'm trying to stave that off this time by writing things down.
On to the trials and tribulations -
We are moving. Yet again. To make things easier, and not such a cluster as it was last time, I've been trying to get a jump on packing. And I volunteered to do the apartment hunting and well, everything really. So the DH only has work to deal with.
I found a place. It's a nice place, it fills most of our requirements (not perfect but hey, we can live here for a year or two and get our lives in order), and I was pretty happy. Took my sister and we went to give it the once over. The DH was mildly put out that we couldn't swing a time convenient to him to check it out but asked for video and pictures so I got some.
And that's the start of where it went to shit. I'd been getting the feeling every time I brought places up that DH wasn't paying any attention and had a bad case of fantasyland about the housing market and Dear Reader, I wasn't disappointed. He complained that places didn't have w/d hookups. That they were on the second floor. That they wanted 30 days of proof of income. That places were charging a pet rent. And the list goes on. And on. Nothing was right.
Turns out, what he should have told me was that he wasn't going to make a decision until HE could walk the place. That basically I wasted my time and my sister's time looking at the place because it's all about what he wanted.
Stick a fork in me, I'm done.
Never mind the fact that it shows a complete lack of faith in my decisions and lack of trust that I'm capable. (Which, of course, he doesn't see at all.) And that it undermines me in front of the office for this complex that he has to look at it because I obviously didn't do a good job by myself. And he doesn't see why I'm upset.
Idk dude. Why would I be? I only wasted the past two months looking for a place to live for us and doing all the housework. Dealing with all of life's issues that pertain to us, where we live, our pets. Such a hard life you've got buddy, having someone do everything around the house and with our life while you "work so hard" that you literally can't do anything but lay on the couch, eat, and sleep. Oh, and play games. And travel to visit friends and go to movies and have happy fun time while I'm at home, trying to get our shit together.
I cannot even.