Sitting alone. Knowing there isn't anything you can change, afraid to change the routine. Sending words into the void. Life not what you want it to be, unable to see how to move in another direction.
Strong words, lack of remorse or empathy. Gas-lighting. Interesting word. So very true to your life you've been living. Thinking you're losing your mind. Second guessing everything you do because you aren't sure the past ever really happened in the first place.
Fear. Uncertainty, unhappiness with yourself for not being a better....something. Anything. Certainty only in the knowledge whatever you do, it will be wrong. That you can't be enough for anyone, much less yourself.
Apathy. Why do anything about anything? What difference does it make? You'll never succeed, never be right, never be pretty enough, never anything enough to make it.
Who do you want to be? How do you want to live? Forget proving to someone else who you are, prove to yourself. That's all that matters. Be you. Be wondrous and fuck everyone else. You can do this, for you.